Maui Walking Tours LLC offers free guided walks through Kīhei every Monday and Wednesday sharing stories of the town’s history through the centuries. Tours start at 5 p.m. and guide participants through a mile-long journey that highlights the area’s origins as a fishing village, the military presence during the 1940s, the tourism boom of South Maui in the 1970s and more.
“This Kīhei walking tour has been the culmination of over six months of planning, one-on-one interviews, and deep research of South Maui,” said Maui Walking Tours LLC founder Keith DeVey. A 2002 graduate of Saint Anthony High School, DeVey said he interviewed local authors, historians, city architects, cultural advisors, and families that have lived in South Maui for generations to collect the stories and history shared on the tours.
Tour groups are capped at 20 participants, and both residents and tourists curious to learn more about Kīhei are welcome to register.
DeVey says reception has been positive so far. “After each tour, participants routinely come up to me to personally share how much they enjoyed the tour. Some even tell me their unique history of living or visiting Kīhei through the decades,” DeVey said.
The mile-long free walking tour starts near the Kīhei Public Library and weaves its way through Kalama Park highlighting significant talking points along the way.
The Kīhei walking tour concludes at sunset along the shoreline of Kalama Park. Tours must be reserved online in advance by visiting

DeVey said the tours uses the same free city walking tour business model run across many US and international cities. Maui Walking Tours LLC has submitted a grant through Maui Economic Opportunity’s Core Four Small Business program, and may also pursue other grant opportunities in the future if they are a good fit.
Maui Walking Tours LLC reports it plans to expand and offer walking tours in additional Maui towns in the near future once thorough research has been completed. A Wailuku history and street murals tour is in the planning stages according to the Maui Walking Tours website.

After your walking tour drive your Kihei Rent A Car vehicle to a nearby restaurant to finish out the perfect south Maui day.