Every year the Hunkins family stays at the cabin at Poli Poli State Park for three nights. Then everyone gathers at Sugar and David’s house in Hana. We call this our “Poli Poli – Hana Christmas”.

This year the weather was spectacular! There were magical sunsets, full moon nights, crisp, cool, dewy mornings, and long, challenging, forrest hikes.

There was plenty of time for croquet, whiffle ball, archery, and glow in the dark bocci ball.

We made fires, whittled, and cooked yummy meals on the cabin stove. Dustin and Marj kept the wood burning stove going all night long to keep the cabin warm.
On the third morning everyone packed up and headed to Dave and Sugar’s house in Hana to celebrate Christmas all together.

We celebrate Christmas together a couple of weeks before the 25th since so many of us work at Kihei Rent A Car. From December 20th on, Kihei Rent A Car is hustling and bustling!!
On Sunday, December 15th we are having our company Christmas party. Every year everyone who works at Kihei Rent A Car and their guests dress up and spend an evening celebrating the most wonderful time of the year! We will also be celebrating Dave’s 86th birthday on the 16th. So much to celebrate!!

Acacia, Milo, Jayne, Sequoia,Sue, Lynn, Dave, Sugar, Coralyn, Mat,Kristi, Ryan, Marj, Oliver, Kim, Dustin, Dean
Mele Kalikimaka from all of us at Kihei Rent A Car to you!