Mālama Hāmākua Maui invites the community to a special “Kōkua Saturday” planting event on Sept. 28, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The event will take place at the Hamakualoa Open Space Preserve, located off of Hahana Road. Those unfamiliar with the area can meet at the Haʻikū Community Center at 8:35 a.m. and caravan to the site.
Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Volunteers should come prepared for planting in rain and or sunny conditions. Tools and gloves will be provided, along with a water refill station and a light lunch donated by Flatbread Pāʻia.
Organizers extended a special thanks to sponsors: WSL One Ocean, the Nuestro Futuro Foundation, the County of Maui, and the Kaulunani Urban & Community Forestry Program.
The goal is to plant 600 native plants on both this Saturday and the next event on Oct. 26.
This community-driven event is a part of Mālama Hāmākua Maui’s ongoing efforts to restore the Hamakualoa Open Space Preserve to its native forest state. Volunteer participation helps to preserve and protect this precious land for future generations, organizers said.
For more information, email malamahamakuamaui1@gmail.com.

Spend the day on the windward side of Maui. Haiku is green and lush due to the amount of rainfall. It’s very different from Kihei & Wailea.